Monday 4 June 2018

Meniscus Tear – Healing Quickly with Regenerative Medicine

Meniscus tear refers to the rupture of meniscus cartilage due to some traumatic injuries or age-related wear and tear. Meniscus, a rubbery piece of cartilage that works as a shock absorber and is positioned at the joint of the knees. Generally, Meniscus tear causes a lot of trouble and pain. The main problem that you will face with a meniscus tear is that your knee will not be able to perform properly, and this will cause you a great deal of trouble in going through your day to day routine. While minor meniscus tears are easy to treat with basic treatment, the severe to moderate tears appear to be problematic and require special care and treatment.

Stem Cell Institute of America can treat you if you suffer from this condition. Here, your meniscus tears will be treated with the help of Amniotic Regenerative Cell Therapy. This therapy utilizes stem cells that are injected in the affected area. Regenerative medicine is non-invasive and does not use any kind of surgery or steroids. Moreover, this regenerative approach stimulates your body’s natural healing process and allows growth of new and healthy tissue.

If you have been suffering from knee or joint pain, you should waste no more time and contact Stem Cell Institute of America. Contact them today to treat your condition with regenerative medicine.

Monday 23 April 2018

Stimulate Healing Through Regenerative Therapy

Generally, healing wounds require a series of interrelated events. Professional institutes, such as Stem Cell Institute of America, offer PRP injection or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy to expedite the natural healing process and develop healthy cells around the damaged area. In our clinic, stem cells and blood platelets are utilized for the treatment of orthopedic conditions, including damage to soft tissues, wounds, joints and muscle injury. PRP therapy is common in sports medicine but is quite new among treatment of flesh wounds and pain management and is showing very promising results.

Various clinical researches have shown that Platelet Rich Plasma injection stimulates the body’s natural healing process. This is how Stem Cell Institute of America provides the best possible treatment to every patient we work with. If you are seeking wound care and pain management, you have stumbled onto the correct clinic’s blog. PRP therapy has been proved to be beneficial for damaged ligaments, muscles, soft tissues, tendons and other parts that do not respond to traditional methods. It also helps recover from common problems such as knee and shoulder dislocations, tendon and muscle pulls, soft tissue injury and neck and back pain. Even scientists have shown that stem cells are effective in repairing damaged lung, cardiac, liver, brain, and kidney tissue showing amazing results. Therapeutic benefits include regeneration and repair of damaged tissues.

If you are considering stem cell therapy for efficient and minimally invasive healing, schedule a free consultation with the professional physicians at Stem Cell Institute of America.

The Revolutionary Medical Breakthrough – Regenerative Cellular Therapy for Joint Pain

If you are a victim of chronic joint pain, you may suffer from limited mobility, which can be extremely frustrating as it hampers your day to day activities while affecting the quality of your life. At times, the pain is so unbearable that it can be difficult to complete the simplest and basic tasks like picking up things from the floor. The pain can also affect your personal life as it may cause you to spend lesser amount of time with friends and family. However, there is hope. Regenerative cellular therapy is a new, non-surgical way to find relief from pain. The therapy makes use of cells to reduce inflammation, repair the degenerated tissues and stimulate new cell growth. The best thing about regenerative cellular therapy is that it is a more effective and safer treatment option than surgery.

Would you like to know more about this breakthrough therapy? Do you want to find out if you are a candidate for this therapy? Would you want to live a pain free life? Get in touch with Stem Cell Institute of America to know more about stem cells and other advanced regenerative options available to treat your pain. Make an appointment today for a free consultation.