Monday 4 June 2018

Meniscus Tear – Healing Quickly with Regenerative Medicine

Meniscus tear refers to the rupture of meniscus cartilage due to some traumatic injuries or age-related wear and tear. Meniscus, a rubbery piece of cartilage that works as a shock absorber and is positioned at the joint of the knees. Generally, Meniscus tear causes a lot of trouble and pain. The main problem that you will face with a meniscus tear is that your knee will not be able to perform properly, and this will cause you a great deal of trouble in going through your day to day routine. While minor meniscus tears are easy to treat with basic treatment, the severe to moderate tears appear to be problematic and require special care and treatment.

Stem Cell Institute of America can treat you if you suffer from this condition. Here, your meniscus tears will be treated with the help of Amniotic Regenerative Cell Therapy. This therapy utilizes stem cells that are injected in the affected area. Regenerative medicine is non-invasive and does not use any kind of surgery or steroids. Moreover, this regenerative approach stimulates your body’s natural healing process and allows growth of new and healthy tissue.

If you have been suffering from knee or joint pain, you should waste no more time and contact Stem Cell Institute of America. Contact them today to treat your condition with regenerative medicine.

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